Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life - This and That

I usually write when i get this irresistible urge to write n i won't be able to sleep peacefully until i have written something.. Its like a voice within me desperately wanting to be heard.. For me writing is a way to vent out my emotions and thoughts,  which keep accumulating within me n finally burst out !!
Life changes in minutes.. Experienced it n have also seen it happen.. What was there a minute ago, won't be there the next minute.. But never thought it was applicable to human feeling's n emotion's.. But my assumption was proved wrong.. Feeling of love for a person can change in a matter of 24hrs.. surprising!! Makes me wonder how it is ever possible!! But it happens n all  u can do is accept the change  n wonder how it happened..Thats the most irritating part about life!! Seldom do u find answers for "why".. Questions as to how it happened, when it happened, where it happened, with whom it happened n all are answered!! But when the question of why it happened arises, Your left with a wide range of possible answers n a lot of question marks n confusion.. Maybe life is better this way.. You don't have to know every single thing... Some things are better left untold.. It creates an air of mystery.. n it makes life more interesting!! Well after experiencing many things, n reading about other people's experience, i have come to the conclusion that it is better to let things happen in their flow.. The reason as to why few things happen or did not happen, may not be clear now, but will become clear in the future.. As Steve Job puts it, the points can be joined only backwards.. Am remembered of a line from Paulo Cohelo's book, Brida.. We will never know the reason for our existence, but there definitely is a reason, which will be revealed to us at some point in space n time.. We should just accept this little fact n live our lives.. There is nothing to lose.. Anyways we are never gonna make it alive out of this!!! Do all that u wanted to!! live the life u have always dreamed of!! Now is the right moment!!
oops i got too carried away!!
Another thing thats as crazy as life is love.. Well generally u end up loving the wrong person... Always thought love was one happy thing.. But love is synonymous with pain!! It wouldn't apply if u found true love.. Thats a different thing all together... Its a step above my maturity level!!
Till now i have tried my best to ignore the bad things in the world.. N see it as a happy happy place.. After it all its man made n fictious.. Fiction is something that is imaginary and created purely by human's creative ability.. Talking on those terms, everything in this world, the society, its thinking, is all fictious!!
so my point is, do all u wanted to do! Never do things, keeping other people's perception in your mind.. U have got one life one chance to do it all!! Never have any regrets on your death bed!!


  1. guess u hv caught th crux of life!! Ensure u apply this thru out ur life.. :) gud 1.. tc.

  2. Written with a lot of energy. I like it!
