Monday, January 3, 2011

The Kick

We get sooo illusion-ed by this world that we just start living in our dreams rather than our reality, just like in Inception. And we need a totem to know the reality from the fantasy world n a kick to get us out of there if we get lost!!!
My friends are my totem, who constantly remind me of the harsh reality. But sometimes i just ignore them n continue believing that this a magical world n my story is going to be a fairy tale.
The kick came to me in the form of an incident ( which i can never forget but have to).Am wide awake now, know wat life really means n is all about (i think i do) n the essence of the phrases "whatever happens, happens for good" , "time heals everything"...
Awake now i feel very matured, a strange peace fills me, its like a new "me" is born. Excited about life n wat it has in store.. After all life is also a big dream in which we all r lost!

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