Monday, August 29, 2011


I open my eyes and for a fraction of second everything's perfect..
Cool morning breeze, birds chirping outside my window, the sun rays kissing my cheeks...
Then like a wave breaking on the rocks, the truth hits me..
Another day that i have to dread through before i can be cocooned in my dreams where everything's so perfect..
Lazily i drag myself out of bed, cringing about the day that lay ahead..
Slowly the monotony sets in..
On the way to the bus stop i pass through the road where not so long ago U used to drop me and kiss goodbye..
All through my bus ride i see places that we frequented..
Now they are just places haunted by your memories..
As the places pass by, memories absolve and resolve,
Like a cow web they settle all around me,
And as i try to break free, i get tangled..

In the solace of my pals , my day brightens up..
The sun seems a tinge brighter, the rain becomes pleasant,
Maybe its not going to be that gloomy after all..
Thoughts of career, talks of  nonsense,
with lots of gossip and lots of teasing,
fills my mind with laughter and sparkle in my eye..
Carried away by fantasies and wishes to be fulfilled,
i look up eagerly to the things that can be done..

Alas the day has come to an end and its time to go home..
And with my pals my happiness also departs..
Now its just me and my mind and my heart..
Again the dread starts as your memories surface..
And i see you.. 
So near yet so distant..
So familiar yet so strange..
Slowly sadness and despair swallow me up..
All the talks we have had and all the times we have spent..
All lost in time.. 
And etched in memory..
The warmth that was there and the coldness that's now..
I just wish i could talk to you like those days..
Strange it is that you have time for strangers
But no time for a familiar stranger..
Things have changed and you have moved on..
All am left with is emptiness..
And a gaping hole which won't heal..
I think of you as i fall asleep..
And once again enter a world where everything is perfect..
Wishing that i would never wake up from it...